My Weekly Blurb

Hello! I'm glad you've decided to come to this page. I love listening to people talk about things they genuinely like and that's what I want this page to be like. I could talk about random things for hours especially about loving yourself and your surroundings. Take in whatever resonates and be entertained by the rest of my random blurbs :)

November 27, 2023 * "Look Good, Feel Good"

Listening to a variety of podcasters I feel like the topic of discussion lately is confidence and for that I say “look good, feel good.” What really annoys me though is when people ask me “who are you dressing for?” Um me I'm dressing for me! Even if you just do your hair and a little bit of highlighter as long as you feel good you're doing great. I know that personally if I go out and my hair is stringy and knotted I don't feel as energized and I feel more grumpy which isn't fun. What I want you to do is figure out what it is about yourself that makes you feel good, for me it's my hair and my eyes. What I do when I figure out what I like, I try to make it look good for example I make sure my hair is done nicely even if it's a messy bun, I make sure there's no bumps or anything. Then with my eyes I like putting highlighter in my inner corner to make it pop. After you do this even if you stay in and do chores I found that I do more and feel better about it. I hope you are able to make your favorite parts of yourself pop so you can look good, feel good. 

November 20, 2023 * Clean Space, Clean Mind

 I never realized the importance of having a clean space until I got older and my messy room started unconsciously giving me anxiety. I never really cared about a clean room, I thought I was lucky to have stepping spots. Now that I’m older and see these habits in my cousin I want to help her realize clean space, clear mind. Being able to wake up in a clean space allows for so much more to get done. Who wants to wake up in a messy space along with all the other things in our days. There have been studies that show that messes and feelings of chaos can affect mental health. When I finally became aware of the fact that my space affects me, I was too overwhelmed by the clutter to even start. Of course, my mom helped me, she had me split up my room into quarters, now I have a drawn layout of my room split into quarters and every quarter has a list of things to do in those sections. This makes it less scary and dramatic when I think I have 100 things to do. Another tip to love your space is to put up nice lights, we have Philips hue lights for ambiance but now with Christmas coming I’ve started to add string lights to the room and even the car and I think I will keep them. I think Aldo likes the lights too. A podcaster I listen to recommends a bouquet of flowers or even just plants. I was thinking of putting hanging plants by the window. Anyway Clean your room and put good music on, enjoy it, it’s for you. Love your space! 

November 14, 2023 * Routine's

You don’t realize how important a routine is until you lose it. I used to journal everyday and do my little morning routine and then I had fallen out of it. My sleep schedule is still off, I felt more off and generally less motivated to do my everyday things. Since I got into podcasts I’ve learned a lot and one of those things is the importance of night routines and also how to make a routine in general. Having the perfect morning routine all starts with a good morning routine. How do you expect yourself to get up at 7, 8 in the morning if you’re going to sleep at 3 am? Routines and consistency are the two most important things in being successful whether it be at work, in relationships, in your everyday life! Now, how to come up with a good routine; making two lists, one with things that you normally do in the morning/night time like brushing your teeth, taking a shower, washing your face, etc,, and one list of things you would like to add into your routine like for me, journaling, calling my mom, doing a chore, etc.. After making these two lists, try to slowly integrate these into the things you habitually do. Overtime I have added journaling and reading at least 5 minutes a day which usually extends the 5 minutes. I believe in you and the future of your routines and your goals. 

November 6, 2023 * The Power Of Optimism 

 I love being kind, it could be what I’m known for, what’s annoying is when other people aren’t kind to each other. When being kind and opening up to the mindset of optimism, you will see a change in your life. When looking up “the power of optimism” there are two Forbes articles, the one I chose is from 2022. A very important quote I found was about the benefits of optimism: “They suffer less anxiety, they adapt better and recover more quickly and they live longer.” Being able to look on the bright side can be difficult but after some time it becomes like riding a bike. Also when you surround yourself with optimism, it makes attaining that mindset easier. Being mindful and optimistic will change the world, seeing what my small compliments do to people and how they react brings me hope that the kindness and optimism will spread and things might just be okay. This week to WAKE UP I want you to try to give one compliment every day. It could be about anything, someone's nails, hair, piercings, outfit, shoes, etc. 

October 30, 2023 * Manifesting

 Hear me out, Manifesting. I understand if you’re uninterested in manifesting because it doesn’t make sense or it’s hard or whatever it is that is blocking you. I for a time also felt that way until recently when I was having super negative thoughts. I realized the only one making me feel like this right now is me and these self deprecating thoughts are not going to help me become the woman I want to be. I thought for a second, what am I doing this for? Who is it that I want to be? What’s important to me? After answering those questions I turned the future statements from “I did this because I want to have…, I want to be…” into current statements like “I have…, I am…". You can think very vaguely like “I want to be financially stable” or very in detail like “I have this business and this many followers”. Learn what your future self is like and say that about yourself. I have a board on Pinterest filled with manifesting ideas, you don’t have to overthink it because inevitably the things you deserve will flow in your direction. Also something really important, don't stop. If you start thinking negatively again replace it with another thought like "My days are productive" this is the most important because change doesn't just happen, you have to work for it. DUDE WAKE UP!!

October 23, 2023 * Be In Yourself

FOMO we all know what it is and if not, it's the fear of missing out. I honestly find fomo to be one of the most annoying things like WHO CARES! Believe me when I say it's only you. If you really think about it, there's a what if in everything, what if I miss out on this. Then you miss out and there will be another event. Or if you do go to whatever you think you're missing out on and you miss out on something else there's that fomo again. I think we should all leave that way of thinking in the trash and start thinking, "c'est la vie" that's life. Later btw, DUDE WAKE UP! 

October 16, 2023 * Rant/Breathing Technique

 Dude I'm having my birthday party tomorrow I'm going to see my family after way too long, only thing is, a lot of people. That's it. I know these people but my brainwaves go hay wire and it's so annoying. Y'know what though, I can do it, don't know about parking but it's going to be great. Something that I find helpful to calm myself down is feeling and breathing. Let me explain, I like tapping my thumb and fingers going pointer to pinky and back, I also do this because I never know what to do with my hands like what the heck. Anyway to distract myself from that thought, I breathe. Yes I know breathing is what everyone says but really. The cycle I found helpful for me is In for 6 seconds, hold for 4, out for 8 seconds. Then again to each their own but it's all about taking control of your breath. That's a good way to think about it actually, there's things that we can't control but you can take control of your breath. And hey if that doesn't work I love a good cry session. Just kidding that wont happen. LOL!  Later.     P.S. keep your eyes open.

October 9, 2023 * Stuff Happens

 For my first blog post I didn't want to be too deep but I wanted to open with something important, a way to look at the world. I know that when negative things happen we quickly think down on ourselves and I think that's one of the worst things we can do to ourselves. STOPPP!! Let me tell you a quick story. When I worked at a rehab facility I was grabbing trays from residents that had finished lunch. When I grabbed one residents tray I accidentally dropped it on his bed, mind you HE WAS SITTING IN HIS BED. I felt so bad and I didn't know what to do because this man wasn't very mobile and I just dropped his whole tray on him. Although I was so freaked and worried, want to know what he said? "Shit happens". Like yes it does but I am still so sorry. Anyway, I was looking at obituaries on the web and I found out he had passed away and since then I kinda have kept the saying in mind. I have a party coming around and I have no clue about parking and all I got to say is "Shit happens". This is a saying that I will keep saying because life happens but look where you are right now, looking beautiful and reading my blog. Peace out beauties, remember DUDE WAKE UP!